What strange times are these!? I’m live back in the KAOS studio again, which is fantastic, but threw a wrench in the works when it came to recording shows and getting them up on the website.
But hey, I may have figured out! Let me know how it sounds!
Title spot this week goes to Miss T & The Mad Tubes (featuring Big Jay McNeely) – there are just a handful of YouTube videos that came up for them, but still some good ones, like this!
Also this week: Ella Fitzgerald and Muguette, back to back, along with Mat Najean Jazz Band, Hot Swing Sextet, Ultrafaux, Mamie Minch, Birch Pereira & the Gin Joints, and lots more. Enjoy!
Marina & The Kats are a fun band out of Vienna, Austria, and get the title spot this week because it’s such a fun song name. They have some cool YouTube videos as well, like this one!
Also lots of new (to me) music this week, from folks like Kentucky Five, SwingHeap, Collectif Big Easy, Djangonauten, and many more. Enjoy!
Lots of great swing and jazz and blues tunes this week – as per the norm! – but kicking things off with something a little different — some of my favorite video game music!
Yeah, you heard me. Supergiant Games makes amazing games and those games are filled with amazing music, thanks to their music director and all-around inspiring musician, Darren Korb, not to mention vocals by Ashley Barrett. And no, you don’t need to know anything about the games to enjoy the music, I promise, it’s just good on its own! Watching them perform live is amazing, too.
Anyone who has played Hades knows …
Okay, okay, you’re here for the swing, I know! I’ve got new (to me) music from Beppe Pilotto (in various groups), from Marbin, from Marina & the Kats, from Duved Dunayevsky, from Hot Club du Nax, and lots more! There isn’t quite a focus, but as the title intimates, there are some nice slow songs to sink into, and conversely, some nice fast songs especially for any Balboa lovers out there.
Woo, we’re four weeks in to this Mixcloud thing and it’s all going smoothly. Soon all of the old non-Mixcloud shows on this site are going to disappear, so if you want to listen to any old shows, there is no time like the present!
Kicking things off this week with a Ruth Brown track, because I love Ruth Brown, followed by a track that Ruth Brown is really known for, but sung by Miss T and the Mad Tubes – also, and again, because I love Ruth Brown.
Next week is Bandcamp Friday, so I will very likely pick up some new tunes to share. In the meantime, there isn’t a particular theme to this week’s show; just, as usual, good songs that I think you will enjoy!