Marina & The Kats are a fun band out of Vienna, Austria, and get the title spot this week because it’s such a fun song name. They have some cool YouTube videos as well, like this one!
Also lots of new (to me) music this week, from folks like Kentucky Five, SwingHeap, Collectif Big Easy, Djangonauten, and many more. Enjoy!
Another week, another two hours of fun music. Kicking things off with a little Spiderman action from the band, Babik. At one point I thought this band included Django’s youngest child, Babik, but it’s actually just named after him. That’s cool too, though, and they have that gypsy jazz thing that I like so much, especially for the Spiderman theme!
Spring has definitely sprung around here, which means it is sunny and beautiful, and that I need to go and mow the yard before it gets out of control. May your seeds be sprouting and your legs be swinging!
Woo, we’re four weeks in to this Mixcloud thing and it’s all going smoothly. Soon all of the old non-Mixcloud shows on this site are going to disappear, so if you want to listen to any old shows, there is no time like the present!
Kicking things off this week with a Ruth Brown track, because I love Ruth Brown, followed by a track that Ruth Brown is really known for, but sung by Miss T and the Mad Tubes – also, and again, because I love Ruth Brown.
Next week is Bandcamp Friday, so I will very likely pick up some new tunes to share. In the meantime, there isn’t a particular theme to this week’s show; just, as usual, good songs that I think you will enjoy!
Alright, well it’s happened. I’m going to keep posting shows here, but with an embedded Mixcloud widget rather than uploading files directly to the site here and playing them through the built-in media player. I think it should continue to work just fine!?
Lots of new music to show off, and it’s almost 100% a Bandcamp (read: independent) artist show, which is the where I want to be, ultimately.
I want to very particularly give a shout out to Hey Mister Jesse and especially the new compilation album they just released. You can read all about it over on Yehoodi or get the compilation itself directly on Bandcamp. All proceeds from sale of the album will go to support the Black Lindy Hoppers Fund. Oh, and the dang thing has 41 AMAZING tracks on it. If you want one single album that has some of the best swing music on Bandcamp, this one is it.
Mixcloud player should be showing up just below here. Let me know how it works out for you in the comments, and feel free to go over to Mixcloud and follow my channel there too while you’re at it! Thanks and happy dancing!