Marina & The Kats are a fun band out of Vienna, Austria, and get the title spot this week because it’s such a fun song name. They have some cool YouTube videos as well, like this one!
Also lots of new (to me) music this week, from folks like Kentucky Five, SwingHeap, Collectif Big Easy, Djangonauten, and many more. Enjoy!
It doesn’t sound quite as cool when it’s not in French, I suppose. Still a classic, swinging tune from Sidney Bechet, written back in 1952, with lyrics by Jean Broussolle. I wasn’t able to track down a downloadable version of the jam I really wanted to play, but since this is the internet, right here, I can point you to a YouTube link!
So good.
As for the show itself, kicking off with a great instrumental version of said tune from the Midnight in Paris soundtrack, with Patrick Bartley on clarinet, and then playing another tune from Avalon Jazz Band (to kind of make up the difference) and then it’s a really, really good two hours of tunes this week.
No really, this show is killer, you should listen to it. Happy listening and happy dancing!
Another week, another two hours of fun music. Kicking things off with a little Spiderman action from the band, Babik. At one point I thought this band included Django’s youngest child, Babik, but it’s actually just named after him. That’s cool too, though, and they have that gypsy jazz thing that I like so much, especially for the Spiderman theme!
Spring has definitely sprung around here, which means it is sunny and beautiful, and that I need to go and mow the yard before it gets out of control. May your seeds be sprouting and your legs be swinging!
Woo, we’re four weeks in to this Mixcloud thing and it’s all going smoothly. Soon all of the old non-Mixcloud shows on this site are going to disappear, so if you want to listen to any old shows, there is no time like the present!
Kicking things off this week with a Ruth Brown track, because I love Ruth Brown, followed by a track that Ruth Brown is really known for, but sung by Miss T and the Mad Tubes – also, and again, because I love Ruth Brown.
Next week is Bandcamp Friday, so I will very likely pick up some new tunes to share. In the meantime, there isn’t a particular theme to this week’s show; just, as usual, good songs that I think you will enjoy!